Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

How To Burn Fat Efficiently

How To Burn Fat Efficiently

Burn fat fast!

These multitasking moves, designed by Kira Stokes, an instructor at Reebok Sports Club/NY in New York City, will create sleek, sexy curves and accelerate your metabolism.

Burn fat fast

  • This image may contain Exercise Fitness Human Sport Sports Working Out Person Gym Clothing Apparel and Squat

    Trimming tap

    Works: Works butt, thighs

    Stand with feet hip-width apart, a resistance band around ankles. Squat with hands clasped at chest (as shown). With right heel, tap in front, return to center; tap to right, return to center; tap behind, tap right, return to center for one rep. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Super squat

    Works: Works arms, butt, thighs

    Stand with feet wide, toes turned out 45 degrees, a weight in each hand with arms down. Squat, then bend at hips until back is flat; return to squat. Stand as you curl weights to shoulders (as shown). Keeping weights near shoulders, point elbows toward ceiling, then straighten arms to bring weights directly overhead. Reverse arm sequence to return to start. Do 15 reps.

  • Waist whittler

    Works: Works shoulders, abs, obliques

    Start in a side plank with left wrist under shoulder, right hand behind head, elbow out; stack legs, left foot in front of right. Keeping abs tight, bend left knee toward chest as you draw right elbow toward knee (as shown). Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Get-lean lunge

    Works: Works shoulders, arms, butt, thighs

    Stand with a stability ball pressed between your lower back and wall. Hold a weight in right hand, arm extended overhead, left hand on hip. Step forward with left foot and place sole of right foot flat against wall. Lunge until right knee hovers above floor as you bend right elbow, bringing weight toward shoulder (as shown). Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides and repeat.

  • Saturday night slimmer

    Works: Works shoulders, abs, obliques, butt, legs

    Stand with right foot about 2 feet in front of left, left heel lifted. Hold a weight in left hand, right hand on hip. Bend knees and lower torso to right thigh, reaching left hand to right foot. Stand as you pivot feet and torso forward, raising weight overhead on a diagonal (as shown). Reverse sequence to return to low lunge. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Crunch and punch

    Works: Works arms, shoulders, abs, obliques

    Lie back on a stability ball, feet flat, holding a weight in each hand, elbows bent. Pull abs in and slowly crunch up several inches as you punch right, then left, rotating torso in direction of punch (as shown). Lower to start. Repeat. Do three sets of 15 reps.

  • Toning twist

    Works: Works arms, abs, obliques, butt, thighs

    Start in a deep squat, holding one weight in both hands outside of right hip (as shown). Stand as you sweep weight across body to left and overhead to right while extending right leg to right side. Reverse sequence to return to start. Complete 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Wall walker

    Works: Works chest, abs, butt, thighs, calves

    Lie faceup in front of a wall with a weight in each hand, arms straight up, palms facing in. Place toes on wall, with knees bent and directly above hips, and raise butt off floor. Maintain hip lift as you draw left knee toward chest and open right arm to side (as shown). Return to start and repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 15 reps.

Brooklynite. Wielder of hammer, spatula and pen. I ride the moguls, but not the waves. Yet.

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

How To Burn Fat Efficiently



Vanquish Fat Burner

Vanquish Fat Burner

Photo Courtesy: Aja Koska/E+/Getty Images

It is possible to lose stubborn belly fat, but you may need to go about it in more than one way. On their own, diet alterations or exercise might not be enough. Instead, you have a better chance of burning belly fat successfully by increasing the amount and intensity of your exercise routine; cutting excess sugar from your diet; and ensuring that you get enough sleep at night. Although these changes can target belly fat specifically, they can also help you lose weight overall.

Exercise can help reduce belly fat, which is sometimes referred to as visceral fat. However, you cannot target belly fat with a specific exercise; rather, you simply need to burn more calories than you take in.

Photo Courtesy: Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 30 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise at least five times a week. That's a total of 150 minutes per week. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take up running or renew your gym membership. In fact, incorporating a brisk walk or bicycle ride into your day are good places to start. Changing your habits in small ways, like parking further away from your office or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, can help reshape your lifestyle.

However, if you enjoy going for a jog, it is important to note that running (or other vigorous exercise) for 25 minutes a day at least three days per week can yield similar results in half the amount of time. The general rule is that the harder you exercise, the quicker you'll chip away at that visceral fat.

And don't forget strength training: Try to get at least two sessions in per week of strength training using either free weights or machines. According to the lead author of a 2018 study in the journal Cell Metabolism, "regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases."

Watch Your Diet

You don't have to change your diet drastically to cut down on belly fat. In particular, cutting back on your daily sugar consumption can reduce belly fat, even if you start by reducing sugary beverages.

Photo Courtesy: Travis Yewell/Unsplash

Sugar increases belly fat — even when it's coming from fruit juice. This is because the juicing process removes fiber and leaves just the sugar behind. Soluble fiber can reduce belly fat, which is why you should opt for whole fruits instead of juice. Eliminating sugary drinks, such as sodas, can also decrease belly fat. Replace that can of soda with a glass of water and reap numerous benefits. Additionally, try replacing a high-fat, sweetened dessert with an assortment of your favorite fresh berries.

For your belly's sake, focus on reducing carbs more than just counting calories or fat. Research suggests that incorporating monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oils, olives, nuts, and avocados, can help fight belly fat.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the experts at the American Heart Association agree that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in "good" fats, can help lose weight and keep belly fat at bay. These foods are often higher in unsaturated fats, and they're also lower in calories and rich in nutrients. The Mediterranean diet largely consists of legumes, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables — and derives most of its healthy fats from food sources like olive oil, fish, and nuts. Aside from potentially helping to reduce belly fat, this type of diet can also lower the risk of heart disease.

Monitor Your Sleep

Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can cause abdominal fat to accumulate, especially in younger individuals. According to the Sleep Foundation, researchers have discovered that getting even an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The study in question showed that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were more likely to gain abdominal fat over a 5-year period compared with those who slept 6 or 7 hours each night.

Photo Courtesy: Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Additionally, a 2019 study published in the journal Medicine showed that adults and children who got less sleep were more likely to be obese or overweight. These folks were also more likely to exhibit disordered eating behaviors and experience metabolic changes and a decrease in physical activity.

Stay Active Beyond Working Out

Staying active doesn't necessarily mean working out. Taking small breaks during the day can be crucial, especially if you sit for a large portion of the day. Research has shown a direct correlation between sitting for prolonged periods ― 30 minutes or longer ― and an increased risk of health problems, including obesity.

Photo Courtesy: Roman Bintang/Unsplash

A 2017 study in the Annals of Human Biology showed that participants who sat for at least eight hours a day had 62% higher odds of obesity compared to those who sat for less than four hours a day. If your job involves sitting at your desk for eight hours a day, set a timer and get up for a few minutes every hour. This could involve taking a short walk, refilling your water glass, or simply standing and stretching. As an added bonus, this helps refresh your brain.

Resource Links:

  • "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • "Taking Aim at Belly Fat" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Women's Health" via Mayo Clinic
  • "Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women – a randomized trial" via BMC Public Health
  • "8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life" via John Hopkins Medicine
  • "Abdominal fat and what to do about it" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat" via Science Daily
  • "How Do Monounsaturated Fats Help You to Lose Belly Fat?" via LiveStrong
  • "Factors Associated with Visceral Fat Loss in Response to a Multifaceted Weight Loss Intervention" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "How exercise reduces belly fat in humans" via Science Daily
  • "Exercise-Induced Changes in Visceral Adipose Tissue Mass Are Regulated by IL-6 Signaling: A Randomized Controlled Trial" via Clinical and Translational Report (Cell Metabolism)
  • "What is the Mediterranean Diet?" via American Heart Association
  • "Sitting time and obesity in a sample of adults from Europe and the USA" via Annals of Human Biology
  • "Diet and Exercise and Sleep" via Sleep Foundation
  • "Assessment of sleep and obesity in adults and children" via U.S. National Library of Medicine


Vanquish Fat Burner



Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Rs4 Pictures

Rs4 Pictures

 Audi's rapid RS4 Avant driven
 Uses same 444bhp V6 as RS5
 0-62mph in 4.1sec, costs £66,945

Before we get started, let's address the elephant in the room: the previous-gen Audi RS4 Avant came with a riotous, barnstorming V8, but this new incarnation of the rapid estate is the latest car to fall victim to the industry's smaller, turbo-friendly trend. That means this B9 model gets a 2.9-litre, twin-turbocharged V6, identical to the unit fitted in its RS5 stablemates.

Since it was launched the RS4 Avant has been refettled in various ways, including better drivability thanks to a refined gearbox. More on that in a bit.

Back to the engine. Just because it's smaller than before doesn't mean it's worse, and the V6 delivers almost as much power as before with 444bhp and a belting 125lb ft more torque. More significant is the reduction of CO2 emissions - which fall by a quarter compared to the retired V6 - and some impressive fuel economy figures that make the RS4 Avant a bit kinder on your pocket.

The latest RS4 is thinner than the previous car: the engine alone is 31kg lighter than the old 4.2-litre V8, which is a good chunk in any context. Updates in 2020 shaved another 45kg off the kerbweight, most of which can be attributed to the ditching of some sound deadening materials.

Out of necessity Audi has followed the masses with a smaller engine, more power, lower emissions and increased frugality, but it's stopped short of adding electrification into the mix. But considering the addition of the RS-badged E-Tron GT not long ago, hybridisation (definitely a word) can't be far away.

So, what's the Audi RS4 Avant like after all those changes? We've tested it thoroughly both abroad and in the UK: read on for the full, definitive CAR verdict.

Audi RS4 performance: just how fast is it?

Rejoice! The RS4 is 0.6sec quicker than its predecessor from 0-62mph, at 4.1sec (two tenths slower than the lighter RS5 Coupe) and tops out at 174mph, if you opt for the flagship Vorsprung model (or spec the optional RS Dynamic package on pre-facelift cars). Otherwise, it's electronically limited to 155mph as standard. It feels every inch that fast on the road.

At 1745kg, you wouldn't describe the RS4 Avant as lightweight, but it does weigh 125kg less than the previous-generation RS4. That's a haul of Ikea flatpackery.

Green 2021 Audi RS4 Avant front three-quarter driving

As the Quattro badges and heritage-laced square-bulged wheelarches suggest, all-wheel drive is standard, shuffling the torque split front to rear as required - or conditions demand. During typical driving it's divided 40:60 front:rear, with as much as 85 per cent of torque directed to the front or 70 per cent to the rear as the system detects wheel slip. We tested the RS4 on a variety of slippery and loose surfaces and it coped with imperious ease. Traction is first-rate.

An electronically controlled Sport rear differential is an option in some markets, but is fitted to all new RS4s in the UK as standard, with the ability to precisely portion more or less torque to each individual rear wheel as required.

Additionally, all RS4s also feature torque vectoring by braking. It has a real agility and there's decent feel through the deliciously thick-rimmed steering wheel; it won't talk to you like a pure-bred rear-drive AMG or M product, but this wicked wagon definitely feels worthy of Audi's RS badge.

Green 2021 Audi RS4 Avant rear wheelarch blisters

An eight-speed Tiptronic torque converter auto is the only gearbox option, in place of the old car's seven-speed dual-clutch transmission. There's a pair of slightly cheap-feeling plastic paddles nestling behind the feelsome wheel, for finger-flicking gearchanges. Software remapping of the transmission was introduced in 2020: in regular Drive mode it's eerily seamless, but the thumps between rations in Sport or Manual modes feel artificial and overemphasised.

Although the two-generations-previous 2005 RS4 was available as a Saloon, Avant estate and Cabriolet, the current car will be sold only in wagon form, just like its immediate predecessor. The five-door RS5 Sportback essentially fulfils what would be the Saloon's role.

There's a decent boot, with a flat floor and easily enough space to swallow family luggage or a big dog (though maybe not both at the same time; you'll need the bigger Audi RS6 Avant for that...).

Do you even lift, bro?

It has to be said, the RS4 has far more presence in real life than it does in pictures – those arches punch out an extra 24mm in width compared with the standard A4 Avant and it sits 30mm lower. Giant oval tailpipes manage to make it look lower as well as wider. The dark vents flanking the tail lights aren't actually real, disappointingly, but help to add even more visual width to reinforce its brawniness.

Green 2021 Audi RS4 Avant rear three-quarter driving

Audi reckons its wide-arched shape references the Audi 90 IMSA GTO (check it out in our gallery here) – a good thing to draw design inspiration from, even if it's unlikely to be the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the RS4.

While 19-inch wheels are standard, the larger of the two options available are 20 inches in silver or black, wearing 275/30 Continentals front and rear. Opt for the Carbon Black version and a set of glossy, 20-inch, milled aluminium wheels shave a further 8kg in weight.

That 2020 refresh tallied-up with the makeover that lesser A4s received during 2019, with LED-heavy lights and a frameless interpretation of the honeycomb mesh grille, slotting into a slimmer, broader aperture than less powerful models. Given there are no sheetmetal changes, it's remarkable how much more hench the facelifted RS4 looks as a result.

Green 2021 Audi RS4 Avant headlamp and grille detail

Any more rippling and it'd come with a bottle of Audi branded bronzing oil.

How's the Audi RS4's interior?

As per the regular A4, cabin fit and finish is hard to fault, and judicious use of aluminium and Alcantara trim helps lift the ambience a little. If you step from an A8 limo into the A4, it is beginning to look like it's not quite latest-spec, particularly with its freestanding multimedia screen, but this is still one of the nicest cabins around.

2021 Audi RS4 Avant dashboard full width

The RS-specific Virtual Cockpit TFT instrument panel sits behind the wheel, with extra RS-specific displays available such as boost pressure, tyre pressures, power and torque output, and a G-meter – which is probably the last thing you should be looking at while you're cornering at any kind of meaningful g.

It's optionaly augmented by a genuinely useful head-up display beamed onto the windscreen, which is pin-sharp, and, helpfully, includes an oil temperature readout along with the usual vehicle speed and sat-nav instructions – and, less usefully, a lap timer.

2021 Audi RS4 Avant RS-specific Virtual Cockpit

In finest fast Audi tradition there's a pair of plush, bear-hug-bolstered (and very nicely quilted) sports seats up front, available in varying levels of cushion plumpness for the honeycomb-stitched leather. It just about remains on the right side of chintzy.

What's the latest Audi RS4 like to drive?

As you'd expect, there's masses of lateral bite, but it's to the RS4's credit that it doesn't feel inert or anodyne like some fast Audis of old. It's not as involving as an AMG C63 Mercedes, for instance, or the recently discontinued BMW M3 (not returning until 2022 at the earliest), nor is it the last word in driver feedback, but it is a car that can be rewarding to drive when you want it to be, and entirely undemanding the rest of the time – which feels very much in line with the RS4's ethos.

To exceed the chassis' and tyres' limits you'd have to be going faster than we'd feel comfortable on the public road, but you can subtly adjust the car's attitude with the brakes and the throttle long before you risk losing your licence.

Driven relatively sedately, there's plenty of front-end grip and all the traction you can eat, with torque-vectoring-by-braking helping out to carve a clean corner exit. It's something you can get used to - and perhaps even take liberties with - especially on wet roads.

Several of the cars we've tried were on 20-inch wheels and were fitted with the optional Dynamic Ride Control (DRC), with hydraulically controlled damping. In the firmest Dynamic mode, the ride can be choppy on all but the smoothest roads, and you'll likely quickly tire of it. You have to fiddle with the rather inconveniently placed Drive Select buttons on the dash to change the mode - we wish it had a steering wheel toggle like the TT RS.

2021 Audi RS4 Avant Tiptronic gear lever

Comfort mode feels the best option for the majority of circumstances, and on British roads the RS4 is more effective at absorbing bumps than an RS5, with a less knobbly ride in this softest setting. Despite the effortlessly accessible speed on tap, it's the sublime ride quality of the RS4 in Comfort that particularly impressed us.

The economy claims should be taken with a pinch of salt; we saw a low of 10mpg on one particularly thrashy drive cross-country! We'd anticipate mid-20s in day-to-day driving, with 30mpg+ feasible on a longer, more gentle cruise.

We didn't miss the dual-clutch gearbox; the eight-speed Tiptronic shifts unobtrusively in auto mode and supplying gears when requested without fuss in the manual setting. The only fly in the ointment comes during low-speed manoeuvres when it can be slow to engage between Drive and Reverse gears.

The optional sports exhaust makes a theatrical belching noise on upshifts under load, which adds to the sense of occasion, but does sound synthetic, as if it's been carefully programmed to do so.

Otherwise the V6 makes a decently characterful sound: a muted rasp with a bassy undertone filtering into the cabin with more volume than the RS5.

Green 2021 Audi RS4 Avant rear elevation driving

We tried the optional ceramic brakes, which were very impressive – confidence-inspiring bite from cold, decent feedback through the pedal, and easy to modulate. But much of the same praise could also be applied to the standard steel brakes, coming in at 375mm up front and 330mm at the rear.

One option best avoided is the variable-rate Dynamic Steering, which, although better than previous iterations, still feels odd as it weights up in an unnatural way. The regular steering set-up works well on its own, with three levels of power steering weight to choose from (Comfort, Auto and Dynamic). Regardless of mode, there's decent feel and feedback (by fast Audi standards, at least, and considering the giant front tyres, impressively so). Good news – RS Audis are becoming less numb (and more comfortable).

Audi RS4 Avant: verdict

You're looking at £65,700 before options in the UK, so the RS4 Avant is very much on a par with the two-door Audi RS5 Coupe.

There's also a £73,345 Carbon Black, with various option packs bundled in, plus there's the flagship RS4 Vorsprung with the 174mph top speed at £85,110. For those seeking even more exclusivity, 2020 saw the limited-run RS4 Bronze Edition. The UK's allocation was capped at 25 units.

The Audi RS5 Coupe's all-weather capability and physics-bashing performance crossed with the Audi A4 Avant wagon's understated estate body (augmented by just the right amount of wheelarch steroid injections) is quite an attractive recipe.

As a max-performance, minimum-fuss estate car it fulfils its brief perfectly, albeit for a serious chunk of cash.

It's as much fun to drive as the RS5 (in fact, subjectively, it actually feels better balanced), while enjoying a more unassuming image. It's not a car that'll give you goosebumps, but for many buyers it'll make them very satisfied. Who wouldn't love an all-in-one fast estate?

Click here for all our Audi reviews

Rs4 Pictures



Devil 16 Wiki

Devil 16 Wiki

Level 6 Level 96

Cave bug
Cave bug (level 6).png
Released 14 March 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Combat level 6
Size 1x1
Examine A nasty crawling critter.
Combat info
Max hit 1
Aggressive No
Poison No
Attack style Stab
Attack speed Monster attack speed 4.png
Respawn time 35 ticks (21 seconds)
Slayer icon.png Slayer info
Slayer level 7
Slayer XP 5 xp
Category Cave Bugs
Assigned by Turael chathead.png Spria chathead.png Mazchna chathead.png Vannaka chathead.png
Combat icon.png Combat stats
Hitpoints icon.png Attack icon.png Strength icon.png Defence icon.png Magic icon.png Ranged icon.png
5 6 5 6 1 1
Attack icon.png Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonus Monster strength bonus Magic icon.png Monster magic strength bonus Ranged icon.png Monster ranged strength bonus
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Defence icon.png Defensive stats
White dagger.png White scimitar.png White warhammer.png Magic icon.png Ranged icon.png
+10 +10 +5 +5 +10
Poison Not immune
Venom Not immune
Cannons Not immune
Thralls Not immune
Advanced data
Monster ID 481

SMW Subobject for Level 6 Magic defence bonus: 5 Immune to venom: Not immune Attack bonus: 0 Magic Damage bonus: 0 Ranged Strength bonus: 0 Stab defence bonus: 10 Uses skill: Slayer Defence level: 6 Uses infobox: Monster NPC ID: 481 Crush defence bonus: 5 Version anchor: Level 6 Ranged level: 1 Attack level: 6 Combat level: 6 Is variant of: Cave bug Image: File:Cave bug (level 6).png Slayer experience: 5 Attack style: Stab Immune to poison: Not immune Size: 1 Slayer level: 7 Range attack bonus: 0 Range defence bonus: 10 Slayer category: Cave Bugs Hitpoints: 5 Assigned by: turael, spria, mazchna, vannaka Attack speed: 4 Magic attack bonus: 0 Slash defence bonus: 10 Magic level: 1 Name: Cave bug Strength bonus: 0 Experience bonus: 0 Strength level: 5 Is members only: true Max hit: 1

SMW Subobject for Level 96 Magic defence bonus: 25 Immune to venom: Not immune Attack bonus: 0 Magic Damage bonus: 0 Ranged Strength bonus: 0 Stab defence bonus: 72 Uses skill: Slayer Defence level: 84 Uses infobox: Monster NPC ID: 483 Crush defence bonus: 35 Version anchor: Level 96 Ranged level: 1 Attack level: 82 Combat level: 96 Is variant of: Cave bug Image: File:Cave bug (level 96).png Slayer experience: 93 Attack style: Crush Immune to poison: Not immune Size: 2 Slayer level: 7 Range attack bonus: 0 Range defence bonus: 95 Slayer category: Cave Bugs Hitpoints: 93 Assigned by: turael, spria, mazchna, vannaka Attack speed: 4 Magic attack bonus: 0 Slash defence bonus: 59 Magic level: 1 Name: Cave bug Strength bonus: 0 Experience bonus: 0 Strength level: 80 Is members only: true Max hit: 9

Cave bug icon.png

Cave bugs are monsters that require level 7 Slayer to kill. They are found in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves, and stronger variants can be located in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon. They are a good source of low level herbs, which can aid beginning players in training Herblore. Their Hitpoints regenerate about 20 times faster than normal.[1]

Cave bugs that are significantly more powerful—with a combat level of 96—can be found in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon, located south of the city of Dorgesh-Kaan, but can only be accessed after the completion of the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest through fairy ring A J Q .

A light source is required for these dungeons, along with a rope to place down on the hole leading to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves, if it has not been done so previously.

Players should be on the lookout for wall beasts within the Lumbridge Swamp Caves, which are monsters that will grab and attack you, if you are in their line of sight. To avoid being hit, either stand one square directly beside a hole in the wall and run across to the other side, or have a spiny helmet equipped.

Locations [edit | edit source]

Location Levels Members Spawns Map
Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon 6, 96 Member icon.png 15 Maplink
Lumbridge Swamp Caves 6 Member icon.png 21 Maplink

Level 6 drops [edit | edit source]

Drop rates estimated based on 372,736 kills from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.

Runes [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Earth rune.png: Cave bug drops Earth rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 6 Earth rune 6 2/128 30 12
Water rune.png: Cave bug drops Water rune with rarity 5/128 in quantity 8 Water rune 8 5/128 48 16
Nature rune.png: Cave bug drops Nature rune with rarity 5/128 in quantity 1 Nature rune 1 5/128 224 108
Nature rune.png: Cave bug drops Nature rune with rarity 1/128 in quantity 2 Nature rune 2 1/128 448 216

Herbs [edit | edit source]

There is a 23/128 chance of rolling the herb drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy guam leaf.png: Cave bug drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 16/128 in quantity 1 Grimy guam leaf 1 16/128 19 7
Grimy guam leaf.png: Cave bug drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 1/22.3 in quantity 1 Grimy guam leaf 1 1/22.3 19 7
Grimy marrentill.png: Cave bug drops Grimy marrentill with rarity 1/29.7 in quantity 1 Grimy marrentill 1 1/29.7 18 8
Grimy tarromin.png: Cave bug drops Grimy tarromin with rarity 1/39.6 in quantity 1 Grimy tarromin 1 1/39.6 131 9
Grimy harralander.png: Cave bug drops Grimy harralander with rarity 1/50.9 in quantity 1 Grimy harralander 1 1/50.9 717 9
Grimy ranarr weed.png: Cave bug drops Grimy ranarr weed with rarity 1/64.8 in quantity 1 Grimy ranarr weed 1 1/64.8 7,071 18
Grimy irit leaf.png: Cave bug drops Grimy irit leaf with rarity 1/89 in quantity 1 Grimy irit leaf 1 1/89 833 10
Grimy avantoe.png: Cave bug drops Grimy avantoe with rarity 1/118.7 in quantity 1 Grimy avantoe 1 1/118.7 1,824 10
Grimy kwuarm.png: Cave bug drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 1/142.5 in quantity 1 Grimy kwuarm 1 1/142.5 1,642 12
Grimy cadantine.png: Cave bug drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 1/178.1 in quantity 1 Grimy cadantine 1 1/178.1 1,695 13
Grimy lantadyme.png: Cave bug drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 1/237.4 in quantity 1 Grimy lantadyme 1 1/237.4 1,452 13
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Cave bug drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 1/237.4 in quantity 1 Grimy dwarf weed 1 1/237.4 877 14

Materials [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Unicorn horn dust.png: Cave bug drops Unicorn horn dust with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1 Unicorn horn dust 1 2/128 224 12
Eye of newt.png: Cave bug drops Eye of newt with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1 Eye of newt 1 2/128 4 1
Limpwurt root.png: Cave bug drops Limpwurt root with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1 Limpwurt root 1 1/128 703 4
Snape grass.png: Cave bug drops Snape grass with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1 Snape grass 1 1/128 261 6
Red spiders' eggs.png: Cave bug drops Red spiders' eggs with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1 Red spiders' eggs 1 2/128 629 4

Coins [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_3.png: Cave bug drops Coins with rarity 8/128 in quantity 3 Coins 3 8/128 3 3
Coins_5.png: Cave bug drops Coins with rarity 3/128 in quantity 8 Coins 8 3/128 8 8

Other [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Tinderbox.png: Cave bug drops Tinderbox with rarity 3/128 in quantity 1 Tinderbox 1 3/128 49 0
Empty candle lantern.png: Cave bug drops Empty candle lantern with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1 Empty candle lantern 1 1/128 3 6
Candle.png: Cave bug drops Candle with rarity 5/128 in quantity 1 Candle 1 5/128 180 1
This does not exist. Nothing N/A 64/128 N/A N/A

Level 96 drops [edit | edit source]

Drop rates estimated based on 15,744 kills from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.

Weapons [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Water battlestaff.png: Cave bug drops Water battlestaff with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1 Water battlestaff 1 1/128 8,882 9,300

Runes [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Earth rune.png: Cave bug drops Earth rune with rarity 15/128 in quantity 1-10 Earth rune 1–10 15/128 5–50 2–20
Earth rune.png: Cave bug drops Earth rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1-170 Earth rune 1–170 2/128 5–850 2–340
Water rune.png: Cave bug drops Water rune with rarity 14/128 in quantity 1-15 Water rune 1–15 14/128 6–90 2–30
Water rune.png: Cave bug drops Water rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1-170 Water rune 1–170 2/128 6–1,020 2–340
Fire rune.png: Cave bug drops Fire rune with rarity 13/128 in quantity 1-20 Fire rune 1–20 13/128 5–100 2–40
Fire rune.png: Cave bug drops Fire rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1-170 Fire rune 1–170 2/128 5–850 2–340

Herbs [edit | edit source]

There is a 19/128 chance of rolling the herb drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy guam leaf.png: Cave bug drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 1/26.9 in quantity 1 Grimy guam leaf 1 1/26.9 19 7
Grimy marrentill.png: Cave bug drops Grimy marrentill with rarity 1/35.9 in quantity 1 Grimy marrentill 1 1/35.9 18 8
Grimy tarromin.png: Cave bug drops Grimy tarromin with rarity 1/47.9 in quantity 1 Grimy tarromin 1 1/47.9 131 9
Grimy harralander.png: Cave bug drops Grimy harralander with rarity 1/61.6 in quantity 1 Grimy harralander 1 1/61.6 717 9
Grimy ranarr weed.png: Cave bug drops Grimy ranarr weed with rarity 1/78.4 in quantity 1 Grimy ranarr weed 1 1/78.4 7,071 18
Grimy irit leaf.png: Cave bug drops Grimy irit leaf with rarity 1/107.8 in quantity 1 Grimy irit leaf 1 1/107.8 833 10
Grimy avantoe.png: Cave bug drops Grimy avantoe with rarity 1/143.7 in quantity 1 Grimy avantoe 1 1/143.7 1,824 10
Grimy kwuarm.png: Cave bug drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 1/172.5 in quantity 1 Grimy kwuarm 1 1/172.5 1,642 12
Grimy cadantine.png: Cave bug drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 1/215.6 in quantity 1 Grimy cadantine 1 1/215.6 1,695 13
Grimy lantadyme.png: Cave bug drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 1/287.4 in quantity 1 Grimy lantadyme 1 1/287.4 1,452 13
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Cave bug drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 1/287.4 in quantity 1 Grimy dwarf weed 1 1/287.4 877 14

Other [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_25.png: Cave bug drops Coins with rarity 14/128 in quantity 1-40 Coins 1–40 14/128 1–40 1–40
Swamp weed.png: Cave bug drops Swamp weed with rarity 31/128 in quantity 1-4 Swamp weed 1–4 31/128 148–592 1–4
Swamp weed.png: Cave bug drops Swamp weed with rarity 10/128 in quantity 5-8 Swamp weed 5–8 10/128 740–1,184 5–8

Gem drop table [edit | edit source]

There is a 5/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist. Nothing N/A 1/51.29 ; Never [d 1] N/A N/A
Uncut sapphire.png: Cave bug drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/102.4 in quantity 1 Uncut sapphire 1 1/102.4 ; 1/52 [d 2] 354 15
Uncut emerald.png: Cave bug drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/204.8 in quantity 1 Uncut emerald 1 1/204.8 ; 1/104 [d 2] 633 30
Uncut ruby.png: Cave bug drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/409.6 in quantity 1 Uncut ruby 1 1/409.6 ; 1/208 [d 2] 1,306 60
Nature talisman.png: Cave bug drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/1,092.27 in quantity 1 Nature talisman 1 1/1,092.27 ; 1/554.67 [d 2] 1,066 2
Uncut diamond.png: Cave bug drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/1,638.4 in quantity 1 Uncut diamond 1 1/1,638.4 ; 1/832 [d 2] 2,757 120
Loop half of key.png: Cave bug drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/3,276.8 in quantity 1 Loop half of key 1 1/3,276.8 ; 1/1,664 [d 2] 9,842 60
Tooth half of key.png: Cave bug drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/3,276.8 in quantity 1 Tooth half of key 1 1/3,276.8 ; 1/1,664 [d 2] 9,846 60
Rune javelin.png: Cave bug drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/3,276.8 in quantity 5 Rune javelin 5 1/3,276.8 ; 1/1,664 [d 2] 900 1,200
Rune spear.png: Cave bug drops Rune spear with rarity 1/52,428.8 in quantity 1 Rune spear 1 1/52,428.8 ; 1/3,120 [d 2] [d 3] 11,787 12,480
Shield left half.png: Cave bug drops Shield left half with rarity 1/104,857.6 in quantity 1 Shield left half 1 1/104,857.6 ; 1/6,240 [d 2] [d 3] 65,363 66,000
Dragon spear.png: Cave bug drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/139,810.13 in quantity 1 Dragon spear 1 1/139,810.13 ; 1/8,320 [d 2] [d 3] 37,318 37,440
  1. The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Only dropped if Legends' Quest has been finished; if not, a talisman is dropped instead.

Tertiary [edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Clue scroll (easy).png: Cave bug drops Clue scroll (easy) with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1 Clue scroll (easy) 1 1/128 [d 1] [2] Not sold 12
  1. The easy clue scroll drop rate increases to 1/121 with the completion of the easy combat achievements.

Diaries [edit | edit source]

Slaying a Cave Bug is a task in the Lumbridge & Draynor Easy Diary.

Changes [edit | edit source]

Date Changes
24 April -
29 May 2007

The skill guide icon was graphically updated.

20 March 2007

The NPC was renamed from "Cave Bug" to "Cave bug".

Gallery (historical) [edit | edit source]

Cave bug (historical).png

Cave bug (level 6).png

14 March 2005 –
20 March 2007
20 March 2007 –

Swamp cave bug icon detail (historical).png

Cave bug icon detail.png

Swamp cave bug icon (historical).png

Cave bug icon.png

14 March 2005 ⁠–
April/May 2007
April/May 2007 ⁠–

References [edit | edit source]


Slayer monsters

Slayer Tower
  • Crawling Hand icon.png Crawling Hand
  • Banshee icon.png Banshee
  • Infernal Mage icon.png Infernal Mage
  • Bloodveld icon.png Bloodveld
  • Aberrant spectre icon.png Aberrant spectre
  • Gargoyle icon.png Gargoyle (Boss Dusk Dawn)
  • Nechryael icon.png Nechryael
  • Abyssal demon icon.png Abyssal demon (Boss)
Fremennik Slayer Dungeon
  • Cave crawler icon.png Cave crawler
  • Rockslug icon.png Rockslug
  • Cockatrice icon.png Cockatrice
  • Pyrefiend icon.png Pyrefiend
  • Basilisk icon.png Basilisk
  • Jelly icon.png Jelly
  • Turoth icon.png Turoth
  • Kurask icon.png Kurask
Lumbridge Swamp Caves
  • Cave bug icon.png Cave bug
  • Cave crawler icon.png Cave crawler
  • Cave slime icon.png Cave slime
  • Wall beast icon.png Wall beast
Karuulm Slayer Dungeon
  • Sulphur Lizard icon.png Sulphur Lizard
  • Wyrm icon.png Wyrm
  • Drake icon.png Drake
  • Hydra icon.png Hydra (Boss)
Wyvern Cave
  • Fossil Island wyverns icon.png Long-tailed Wyvern
  • Fossil Island wyverns icon.png Spitting Wyvern
  • Fossil Island wyverns icon.png Taloned Wyvern
  • Ancient Wyvern icon.png Ancient Wyvern
Catacombs of Kourend
  • Banshee icon.png Twisted Banshee
  • Jelly icon.png Warped Jelly
  • Bloodveld icon.png Mutated Bloodveld
  • Aberrant spectre icon.png Deviant spectre
  • Brutal black dragon icon.png Brutal black dragon
  • Nechryael icon.png Greater Nechryael
  • Abyssal demon icon.png Abyssal demon
God Wars Dungeon (Wilderness)
  • Pyrefiend icon.png Pyrefiend
  • Bloodveld icon.png Bloodveld
  • Spiritual ranger icon.png Spiritual ranger
  • Spiritual warrior icon.png Spiritual warrior
  • Spiritual mage icon.png Spiritual mage
  • Desert Lizard icon.png Desert Lizard
  • Pyrefiend icon.png Pyrelord
  • Mogre icon.png Mogre
  • Harpie Bug Swarm icon.png Harpie Bug Swarm
  • Killerwatt icon.png Killerwatt
  • Vyre icon.png Vyre (Sentinel)
  • Molanisk icon.png Molanisk
  • Terror dog icon.png Terror dog
  • Sea snake icon.png Sea snake (Young) (Hatchling)
  • Fever spider icon.png Fever spider
  • Brine rat icon.png Brine rat
  • Mutated zygomite icon.png Mutated Zygomite (Ancient)
  • Cave horror icon.png Cave horror
  • Basilisk Knight icon.png  Basilisk Knight
  • Dust devil icon.png Dust devil
  • Skeletal Wyvern icon.png Skeletal Wyvern
  • Cave kraken icon.png Cave kraken (Boss)
  • Dark beast icon.png Dark beast
  • Cerberus icon.png Cerberus
  • Smoke devil icon.png Smoke devil (Boss)
Superior monsters
  • Crawling Hand icon.png Crushing hand
  • Cave crawler icon.png Chasm Crawler
  • Banshee icon.png Screaming banshee (Twisted)
  • Rockslug icon.png Giant rockslug
  • Cockatrice icon.png Cockathrice
  • Pyrefiend icon.png Flaming pyrelord (Infernal)
  • Basilisk icon.png Monstrous basilisk
  • Infernal Mage icon.png Malevolent Mage
  • Bloodveld icon.png Insatiable Bloodveld (Mutated)
  • Jelly icon.png Vitreous Jelly (Warped)
  • Turoth icon.png Spiked Turoth
  • Cave horror icon.png Cave abomination
  • Aberrant spectre icon.png Abhorrent spectre (Repugnant)
  • Basilisk Knight icon.png Basilisk Sentinel
  • Wyrm icon.png Shadow Wyrm
  • Dust devil icon.png Choke devil
  • Kurask icon.png King kurask
  • Gargoyle icon.png Marble gargoyle
  • Bigger and Badder.png Nechryarch
  • Drake icon.png Guardian Drake
  • Abyssal demon icon.png Greater abyssal demon
  • Dark beast icon.png Night beast
  • Smoke devil icon.png Nuclear smoke devil
  • Hydra icon.png Colossal Hydra


Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon

  • Darve chathead.png: Chat head image of Darve Darve
  • Movario chathead.png: Chat head image of Movario Movario
  • Turgall chathead.png: Chat head image of Turgall Turgall
  • Big frog
  • Cave bug
  • Cave crawler
  • Cave slime
  • Giant frog
  • Molanisk
  • Rockslug
  • Boiler
  • Console
  • Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course


Lumbridge Swamp Caves

  • Cave goblin (monster) chathead.png: Chat head image of Cave goblin (monster) Cave goblin
  • Juna chathead.png: Chat head image of Juna Juna
  • Light creature
  • Big frog
  • Cave bug
  • Cave crawler
  • Cave slime
  • Giant frog
  • Rockslug
  • Wall beast
  • Chasm of Tears
  • Fishing spot icon.png Frog spawn
  • Minigame map icon.png Tears of Guthix

Devil 16 Wiki

